
In most of China there is a clear diision between seasons

In winter, northerly winds from high latitude areas keep the northern region cold and MBT Shoes
dry, while in summer, monsoons from southern coastal areas bring warmth and humidity. In north China, such as Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, summer is dry and sweltering while winter is bitingly cold. Sandstorms often occur in spring in this area, especially in the Inner Mongolia and Beijing area. The red dust from these storms can be picked up by highaltitude winds are trael around the world. In Russia, pink snow was reported in the winter of 2006 as this farflung red dust mixed with local precipitation.On the TibetQinghai plateau, which has an eleation of approximately 4,000 meters aboe sea leel, winter is long and extremely cold while summer is short and moderately warm. There is little precipitation here and a great temperature fluctuation between day and night. isitors to Tibet should bring warm clothing een in summer.In central china, such as Yangtze Rier area, summer is long, hot and humid while winter is short and cold. In the areas south of the Yangtze Rier, temperature rarely falls below freezing. In the neartropical far south, such as the area around Guangzhou, the summer is long, humid and hot while the winter is short and mild. The rainy season runs from May through August and typhoons frequently occur in the southeast coast between July and September.Chinese currency is called Renminbi MBT Lami
(people's money), abbreiated as RMB, issued by The Bank of China. The unit of Renminbi is a yuan and with smaller denominations called jiao and fen. The conersion among the three is: 1 yuan equals 10 jiao which equals 100 fen. The safest way to bring currency to China is in traellers' checks. Be sure to keep your currency exchange receipts because you will need to show them when you change RMB back to your own currency when you leae China. Credit cards are often not accepted in remote areas, so be sure to carry sufficient RMB and traelers' checks to coer your requirements. Offers can include: ebooks, ecourses, special reports, or een releant white papers. Offering a transcript of the course or an audio copy is another great offer. List your class in ecourse directories. Some directories require that you attend their specific ecourse moderator's course. A big pain in time and expense in the shortterm, but a good inestment oer the long haul. If you hold speaking engagements or een when you participate in other eents, seminars or workshops, gie out brochures on your eCourse. This works particularly well in networking groups, too. Take the flyers to your libraries, senior and ciic centers. By the way, names of eCourses can seem confusing at times, howeer, there is a standard for what to MBT Lami Shoes
expect depending on the name. A teleseminar usually has ery little interaction between host and attendees.

