
African Lion Safari - Get Close Up With The King Of The Jungle

Want an experience of a lifetime? Ever considered an african lion safari? Meet the Christian Louboutin Shoes
king of the beasts in his own back yard. It doesn't get any better than that for the adventurous spirit.You'll get a privileged insight into the natural world of the lion. Better still, with a guided african lion safari tour, any dangers that would normally exist are lessened dramatically through expert leadership. Botswana offers an excellent african lion safari experience.The Okavango Delta is one of Africa's most beautiful and unique wetland areas. While it abounds with a multitude of wild animals there is no doubt the biggest single attraction is the lion. Africa's most feared predator, the lion is at the top of the food chain and this reason alone is enough for the adventurous types to spend a little time in his domain. For most, seeing a lion close up and personal means a visit to the local zoo but while it is still an invigorating experience, seeing and feeling a lions presence in the wild can only be achieved via an african lion safari. Lions today have found it difficult to survive outsde of large conservation areas and programs are currently in place in the Delta to monitor Christian Louboutin 2011 Shoes
and study their progress.Dangers On An African Lion SafariGuided tours are a wonderful way to travel through a lions domain to see these magnificent beasts in their own habitat. While the dangers on a guided tour are lessened there are still some tips for beginners to take heed of. A friend on a recent tour in South Africa experienced the fright of his life when he came close to being confronted by a group of female lions. Always the exhuberant one and who shall remain nameless here, he was travelling in a guided jeep through a lion conservation park and despite continual warnings about not leaving the vehicle, decided he wanted a photo of a male lion who just happened to be a little further away than his camera lens could focus on. To cut a long story short,he stepped out of the vehicle and only a few steps from it, before the guide noticed a group of three lioness' moving in a stealth like motion towards the jeep. Just as well he turned around when he did, and saw my hapless friend outside the jeep and completely unaware he was being stalked. Bottomline... a needless tragedy averted.It's vital to listen to your guides on an african lion safari. Make no mistake, despite their dwindling numbers in the wild they still rule as king of the beasts. If you think you're up to an african Cheap Christian Louboutin Ankle Boots
lion safari, visit your local travel agent for more information and take it from someone who knows, it will be an experience you'll savour for a lifetime.

