
Studies demonstrate link among Alzheimer's disease

And that's not all. Down syndrome, artery-clogging cardiovascular disease, and possibly even MBT UK
diabetes, appear to share a common disease mechanism with Alzheimer's disease, Dr. Potter and colleagues at the Florida Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Institute, recently reported.The researchers' two papers -- one in Molecular Biology of the Cell and the other in PLoS One -- implicate the Alzheimer's-associated protein beta amyloid (amyloid protein), which damages the microtubule transport system responsible for moving chromosomes, proteins and other cargo around inside cells. Both studies were done in mice and humans cell cultures modeling Alzheimer's disease. Together, the laboratory discoveries suggest that protecting the microtubule network from this amyloid damage might be an effective way to prevent or even reverse Alzheimer's disease and associated disorders.Huntington Potter, PhD, was the principal investigator for the studies. The first paper, by Antoneta Granic and colleagues published online Dec. 23 in Molecular Biology of the Cell, provides the mechanism behind previous work by Dr. Potter's laboratory showing that all Alzheimer's disease patients Womens MBT Lami Shoes
harbor some cells with three copies of chromosome 21, known as trisomy 21, instead of the usual two. Trisomy 21 is a characteristic shared by all the cells in people with the birth defect Down syndrome. This earlier work demonstrated that Alzheimer's disease could be considered a late onset form of Down syndrome.By age 30 to 40, all people with Down syndrome develop the same brain pathology seen in Alzheimer's disease, including a nerve-killing buildup of sticky amyloid protein clumps. This contributes to accelerated nerve cell loss and dementia.With the study reported in MBC, Dr. Potter and his colleagues now show that the Alzheimer's-associated amyloid protein is the culprit that interferes with the microtubule transport system inside cells. The microtubules are responsible for segregating newly duplicated chromosomes as cells divide. Beta amyloid basically creates potholes in the protein highways that move cargo, including chromosomes, around inside cells, said Dr. Potter, who holds the Eric Pfeiffer Endowed Chair for Research on Alzheimer's Disease.When the MBT Changa
microtubule network is disrupted, chromosomes can be incorrectly transported as cells divide and the result is new cells with the wrong number of chromosomes and an abnormal assortment of genes.


Making the 'irrelevant' relevant to understand memory and aging

Our world contains so much information; we don't always know which is relevant and which is irrelevant, said Rosetta stone language
Nigel Gopie, who cowrote the study with Fergus I.M. Craik and Lynn Hasher, all from the University of Toronto's Rotman Research Institute. Most psychological scientists have focused on the relevant: on learning what we intend to learn. But the background noise also gets into our heads and influences our behavior -- differently at different ages.The study recruited about 125 subjects, in two groups, average ages 19 and 69. It tested two kinds of memory: implicit memory, which influences behavior without awareness, such as purchasing the snacks we've seen product-placed in a film; and explicit memory, the kind we enlist to reconstruct a shopping list left at home.At the start, participants pressed buttons in response to the colors of words and random letter strings on a screen. What mattered was the color; the words themselves were irrelevant. Then they were instructed to complete word fragments. In one test, the earlier task wasn't mentioned; this accessed implicit memory. In the other, the subjects were told to use words from the color task to complete the fragments, employing explicit memory. Rosetta Stone German Levev 1-5
The older people showed better implicit than explicit memory and better implicit memory than the younger. In the younger participants the pattern was reversed: better explicit than implicit memory and better explicit memory than their elders.We believe younger people remember in deep, elaborative ways: conceptually -- spontaneously creating semantic or imaginary associations among words and ideas, said Gopie. To find the study's words, they had to search. They used explicit memory.Older people encode things 'perceptually,' in a more sensory way, he continued. They also don't filter out irrelevant stimuli. All of the information ends up all over the place, and is more accessible in the implicit mode. When trying to remember explicitly -- say, a person's name -- elders are often stumped.This shallower processing may be related to a decline in mental resources as we age. To test this, the researchers made the younger people more like the older people by taking away some of their resources. While performing the color task, participants had to listen to numbers and say the second of any two consecutive odd numbers aloud. While their attention was divided, the younger people performed as their elders did: better on implicit than explicit memory.The study suggests potential uses from age-specific marketing to assisting older learners. But it offers immediate lessons, too. We're learning all the time, whether we know it or not, says Gopie. But we have only so much brain to process the information. When distracted, younger adults behaved just like older adults.The article is titled,Double Rosetta Stone Italian Levev 1-5
Dissociation of Implicit and Explicit Memory in Young and Older Adults.


Common scents: Honeybees guide neurological discoveries

Through a new study of honeybees, scientists at UQ's Queensland Brain Institute have discovered the brain MBT Shoes
has an advanced ability to isolate specific odours and recollect smells.There's a lot of information coming into the brain whenever a scent is detected and it would be difficult to process it all, lead researcher Dr Judith Reinhard said.We've found that honeybees pick only a handful of so-called 'key odorants' out of every complex aroma that they really learn. They may remember just two or three odorants from a couple of hundred, the rest are ignored.Colleague Dr Charles Claudianos said if you had to learn the hundreds of compounds your brain would be overwhelmed with information.By choosing the key odorants, you can function more effectively without being swamped, Dr Charles Claudianos said.The research, published in the latest edition of PLoS ONE, has also allowed the scientists to explore how the learning of odours affects molecules that have been MBT Fanaka GTX Shoes
linked to autism and schizophrenia. During their studies, the researchers found that the honeybee brain responds to sensory experience.The honeybee brain -- like the human brain -- adapts to its sensory environment by adjusting the expression of these molecules, Dr Claudianos said.Dr Reinhard said the findings could also have an enormous impact on Australian farming. Using the honeybee's capacity to extract key odorants, scientists will be able to isolate these odorants from the complex aromas of crops. They can then use the key odorants to train honeybees to pollinate specific crops.Farmers often have problems making honeybees focus on the crop -- the bees go astray and go to nearby forests or national parks and the farmers don't get a good yield, Dr Reinhard said.If we know the key odorants of the almond aroma, for example, we could use these to train the honeybees in the hive to focus only on pollinating almonds. Then you'd have a much higher likelihood the honeybees would stay in the crop and pollinate it.Now the focus for the QBI scientists will be whether humans useMBT Imara
the same technique of learning specific key odorants so our brain is not overwhelmed by too much sensory information -- early research suggests we do.


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their big stars to join in Christian Louboutin name for oneself, looking through the list of his customers: Monaco Princess Caroline, Cameron Diaz, Nicole Kidman, Sarah Jesscia Parker, Jennifer Lopez red shoe seems to have a fascination with fine fine woman heart, but also expose their self-confidence in front of men women and sexy. Any shoes made through the woman he will fall into a comfortable feeling, and he used to use in the design of contrast to express their ideas. Slender high heels, red high heels shoes Christian Louboutin is the label, and his experimental art and design in the shoe manufacturing is also unique. Today, Christian Louboutin heels brand prices are more than 500 U.S. dollars, the customer is still flooded, Tom Cruise or even a half years old daughter for his customized a pair of prices as high as 3,000 U.S. dollars, red shoe charm is evident. As a contemporary of the famous shoe designer, Christian Louboutin is undoubtedly the most visible, his figure often appears in various Party on.I love Tiffany's, open the little blue box from the moment forever. Life of each woman will have the chance encounter with the diamonds, every woman has at least a diamond-related stories, each woman has to share her affinity with the diamond impulse. Tiffany Jewelry said that I love for, as it is and I love diamonds, fell in MBT Salama Shoes
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Learn Spanish - Helpful Hints For Learning Quickly

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tried to learn a foreign language. New languages are a skill like anything else, and one that anyone can acquire.In today's global culture, there are so many benefits to being multilingual. Knowing more than one language can really help if you do any traveling. But it can also be very useful right at home, conversing with people in your own area. For people who are planning to learn another language for the first time, Spanish is a wise choice for several reasons. Let's look at some ways to make learning Spanish simpler.Learning a language does not have to be stressful. It's really quite a bit of fun if you don't make it into a chore! A whole new world is opened when you learn a new language. If you travel, it can make communication much less of a problem. Not only that, but you may find you can talk to more people right where you live. If you know two or more languages, you are also qualified for many more jobs. For people who live in the U.S., the language that is spreading most quickly is Spanish.In certain areas, more people speak Spanish than English. Knowing how to speak and translate Spanish into other languages is a valuable skill to have.Learning a second language is always a good idea. In the U.S., Spanish is nearly as commonplace as English. Think about it: how many times are English messages repeated in Spanish? So it's a great idea to learn and include Spanish into your life. Of course, very many people have a tough time tackling a second language. Here are a few useful ideas and tips that will help you if new languages Christian Louboutin Boots
are a bit difficult.If you don't speak a second language, thinking about learning Spanish may seem a little intimidating. You could have heard somewhere that learning Spanish is the way to go because it's less difficult than other languages. The truth is that most languages are easy to learn, you just have to figure out what kind of learning tricks you want to use to make the process simpler. Lots of suggestions and helpful tips are available to help you learn Spanish much easier. Try using the following tricks:You want to learn Spanish - congratulations! Thankfully, learning Spanish does not have to be difficult. Even if you are someone who has trouble learning languages; Spanish is such a dominant language today, and there are plenty of methods to use that will make your learning process easier. Learning Spanish can be fun and easy, so we'll discuss some tips you can use to help make it more enjoyable.Work on your "Spanish tongue" this means working on your pronunciation of Spanish vocabulary. You can say the words all you like and you can be great with grammar but if you don't know how to go from a word to the next while speaking you won't get far. If you want to quickly get into the habit of speaking Spanish, get anything you can find written in Spanish and read it out loud. Cheap Christian Louboutin Flats
While written material is good to practice with, you can also get good practice by repeating any phrases you hear from people actually speaking Spanish.


Bullfighting - a Spanish way of life.

One of Spain’s oldest national sports and also the one which is loved by Louboutin Shoes
many people is also the most controversial. Opponents to bullfighting have fought many passionate battles with the sports devotees over the years as they generally condemn the barbaric nature of the way in which the bulls are slaughtered and to their minds dehumanising a so-called civilized society. Supporters on the other hand consistently claim that bullfighting is nothing more than a spiritual art form depicting man's struggle against nature and it is generally regarded as a good day out.The regional government in Barcelona, which considers itself as one of the cultural centres of Europe, gained widespread support for their proposal in 2004 to become an anti-bullfighting city as they considered that the sport tarnished their image in the eyes of the world.The campaign has since gained momentum but there are still a vast band of followers who believe that the time-honoured traditions should be maintained and that to ban bullfighting is unimaginable.Why is bullfighting so popular in Spain?It is widely thought that Spain’s early settlers, some 4000 years ago, slaughtered bulls in ritual sacrifices to their Gods and that when the Moors invaded Spain in the 8th century they introduced some type of man versus bull battles. Legend has it that El Cid, a Spanish hero of the 11th century, was the first man to slay a bull in an organised bullfight.Bull jousting was developed in medieval times by the Spanish aristocracy where men would pit their wits against the rampaging bulls from horseback. Not to be left out of the ‘fun’, peasants Discount Christian Louboutin Pumps
of the time developed their own versions of this pastime, only in their version the man was on foot. Sometime during the eighteenth century, bullrings and organized events similar to the ones we have come to recognize today became ingrained into Spanish culture.Bullfighting was brought to the attention of the world by the words of Ernest Hemmingway, an early 20th century American novelist. His best selling novels, ‘The Sun Also Rises’ and ‘Death in the Afternoon’ immortalized the sport as he described it as ‘man’s ultimate challenge’.Against such a rich history, it can be understood why bullfighting is so popular in Spain and with this in mind, some may even say it should be condoned. Almost every large city and many of the smaller towns and villages all over Spain have a bullring with the organized bullfight being the focal point of fiestas (local and national) held throughout the year.About the bullfightOnly bulls which are from a specific ancient bloodline are bred for fighting with Spain now being the only country in the world preserving this particular species.A bullfight normally takes place in the early afternoon or evening with six of the fighting bulls being slain by up to three matadors and their helpers, the picador (horseman) and the banderillos. A series of elaborate moves and daring passes are performed by the matador before the final act of thrusting his sword between the bull’s shoulder blades. If the audience approve of his performance they will wave white handkerchiefs as a signal to the fight president to present one (or both) of the bulls ears to the matador as a trophy.Seat prices in the bullring vary depending upon their location. As most bullfights start in the early afternoon when the sun is at it’s highest, seats that are in the shade Cheap Christian Louboutin Tall Boots
demand the highest prices so if you’re in the sun, it’s advisable to wear a hat and sunglasses to avoid sunstroke.


African Lion Safari - Get Close Up With The King Of The Jungle

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king of the beasts in his own back yard. It doesn't get any better than that for the adventurous spirit.You'll get a privileged insight into the natural world of the lion. Better still, with a guided african lion safari tour, any dangers that would normally exist are lessened dramatically through expert leadership. Botswana offers an excellent african lion safari experience.The Okavango Delta is one of Africa's most beautiful and unique wetland areas. While it abounds with a multitude of wild animals there is no doubt the biggest single attraction is the lion. Africa's most feared predator, the lion is at the top of the food chain and this reason alone is enough for the adventurous types to spend a little time in his domain. For most, seeing a lion close up and personal means a visit to the local zoo but while it is still an invigorating experience, seeing and feeling a lions presence in the wild can only be achieved via an african lion safari. Lions today have found it difficult to survive outsde of large conservation areas and programs are currently in place in the Delta to monitor Christian Louboutin 2011 Shoes
and study their progress.Dangers On An African Lion SafariGuided tours are a wonderful way to travel through a lions domain to see these magnificent beasts in their own habitat. While the dangers on a guided tour are lessened there are still some tips for beginners to take heed of. A friend on a recent tour in South Africa experienced the fright of his life when he came close to being confronted by a group of female lions. Always the exhuberant one and who shall remain nameless here, he was travelling in a guided jeep through a lion conservation park and despite continual warnings about not leaving the vehicle, decided he wanted a photo of a male lion who just happened to be a little further away than his camera lens could focus on. To cut a long story short,he stepped out of the vehicle and only a few steps from it, before the guide noticed a group of three lioness' moving in a stealth like motion towards the jeep. Just as well he turned around when he did, and saw my hapless friend outside the jeep and completely unaware he was being stalked. Bottomline... a needless tragedy averted.It's vital to listen to your guides on an african lion safari. Make no mistake, despite their dwindling numbers in the wild they still rule as king of the beasts. If you think you're up to an african Cheap Christian Louboutin Ankle Boots
lion safari, visit your local travel agent for more information and take it from someone who knows, it will be an experience you'll savour for a lifetime.


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Barcelona offer you centrally located properties for the visitor in search of accommodation in the city's best locations, or for travellers that require a short term accommodation. All our apartments located in the Barri Gotic and El Born area close to some of the main sights of the city such as Las Ramblas, the Cathedral and the Old Port. You'll find these Barcelona apartments perfect for holidays, weekend breaks and business stays.Nowadays many people try to rent short term apartments because is a cheaper way to have holidays in different places. One easy way to do this is to search apartments using the Internet. Holidaying at Barcelona will really treat your eyes with some of the worlds finest and out of the ordinary archaic architecture that stands unrivaled and unsullied till date. It is the work of the superlative Spaniard architect Antonio Gaudi. Gaudi’s exclusive masterpiece work can be sighted at the church of Sagrada Familia, the six storey apartment of Casa Batlo, Casa Mila also known as ‘The Quarry’-the multi family private residence that gives the impression of surging around the self same corner, Casa Vicens-the summer villa outside Barcelona that is a perfect blend of traditional and innovative designs and last but not the least the Park Guell an urban setting project, a Cheap Christian Louboutin Boots
magnum opus of this genius.One of your first priorities when you arrive in Barcelona is bound to be a lazy stroll down that world famous thoroughfair "Las Ramblas". If you make your way along that fabulous kilometer of sights and sounds looking for a place to eat, however, you will probably be disappointed. That's not to say there are no restaurants, of course. There are hundreds, all clamoring for your business. But as with any major city centre the quality of food in such places often leaves a lot to be desired, and the prices are invariably hiked up with that dreaded "tourist tax". So, rather than take your chances there, why not get a little more adventurous and seek out somewhere "off the beaten track".Travel to Barcelona is a once in a lifetime experience, ideal for those who like the sensational architecture of Antonio Gaudi. The famous Catalan architect gave this city his unique style and highly individualistic designs, including building and Barcelona apartments, in a style developed since his early days at the city's Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura, to which he remained affiliated with his entire life. Apartment rental accommodations as the ultimate answer to the families on vacation, international leisure travelers, people on business trip along with their families, relaxing Cheap Christian Louboutin Short Boots
summer vacation, and whatever other good reason you might think of for visiting the marvelous Barcelona! The apartments are all in the happening surroundings.


Explaining Europe Through Its Parks And Squares

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or a square, which the continent has a-plenty. It just goes to show that Europeans know how to appreciate the good things in life from the manmade to the natural - truly, the mark of a sophisticated people.So, after pounding the pavement of the concrete jungle, going back in time through the museums, and fantasizing about royalty in the castles, head on to the parks and squares of the great continent of Europe. Take note that a park or a square in Barcelona - or any other major European city, for that matter - is not necessarily superior or inferior to its counterparts in other cities.Each one offers unique attractions, gardens and other features that speak of the place and of the people.Let's start with what is arguably considered as the most controversial city this side of the world - Berlin.Nestled within this cosmopolitan city with a historic past is the Botanical Garden and Museum, which is Botanischer Garten und Museum in German.Visitors flock to the garden to enjoy its 108 acres of plants coming from 20,000 species from across the world. The greenhouses and hothouses are truly magnificent to behold, not to mention that visitors can take a virtual tour around the world by visiting the greenhouses that mimic the climate conditions of specific regions of the world.Then there's the City Park in Christian Louboutin 2011 Shoes
Budapest. Not only is it the first public park in the world but it is also the first in the city that truly takes the breath away from its visitors so much so that even long-time residents will rave about its attractions to anyone who even asks directions to it. Visitors can traipse through the park's attractions ranging from Heroes Square and the art nouveau zoo to the warm waters of the Szechenyi thermal bathhouse. If rest and relaxation coupled with arts and culture is your main agenda for the day, then the City Park is the place to be.And when you find yourself in the city of explorers - Lisbon, of course - you must take the time to visit the Jardim Botanico (Botanic Garden). It impresses as much as it inspires visitors with its collection of plants from various expeditions to other continents from Asia to South America. You can as easily get lost in your own reverie in one of the many pockets of calm in the 4-hectare gardens as be lost in time inside the museum.Lest we forget, Rome is a city that boasts of its magnificent parks and squares and for good reasons, too. The majesty of royalty combines with the heavenly appeal of nature to make for parks and squares that continue to withstand the test of time.Take your pick from the likes of St. Peter's Square, Piazza Venezia and Piazza Popoli, to Cheap Christian Louboutin Ankle Boots
name few. No matter which city you find yourself when in Europe, we must suggest booking a holiday apartment near the parks and square, preferably through an online booking site. It is a great way to meet the people, absorb the vibe of the city and do things in your own time.


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Online Or Traditional Education: Which Is Right For You?

For most people, the decision to get a college education is, if you'll pardon the expression, a Christian Louboutin outlet
"no-brainer." A not-so-obvious decision is to whether to get your education in a traditional, on-campus setting or - as is becoming more common - to get it online. The purpose of this article is to examine the differences between traditional and online education in terms of cost, class schedule, classroom environment, social life, and job opportunities.CostThe primary financial advantage of online education is that it is typically less-expensive to obtain. Tuition is cheaper for online classes than it is for traditional classes, and by studying online you also save money on housing, transportation, and other fees. The primary advantage of traditional education is that despite its relative cost you are more likely to get a high-paying job than a graduate from an online university. Thus, online education is less-expensive to obtain but traditional education may provide a bigger pay-out at the end. Please note that these are general differences and may vary greatly depending on the school and area of study.Class Schedules and Classroom EnvironmentOne of the great appeals of online education is its convenience. Online education allows you customize your classes to fit within your life while still maintaining a balance with your career, your family, and your social calendar. Traditional education, by contrast, revolves around a set schedule. Classes are held at specific times and vary semester to semester (or term to term, depending the school), and attendance is mandatory. The set nature of traditional education can present challenges to students with families Cheap Christian Louboutin Shoes
or work commitments. That being said, traditional classes are more "hands-on" than online classes, which means they offer the kind of face-to-face contact with instructors and access to equipment that can greatly enhance the learning experience. Social LifeOne of the great strengths of traditional education is that it facilitates social interaction among students. In addition to classes and study groups, students are encouraged at traditional schools to network with each other through dorms, clubs, athletic events, and various other extracurricular activities. Online education, by contrast, is much more limited in this respect. Students may correspond via email or participate in discussion boards for specific classes, but there is little, if any, face-to-face contact. On the other hand, for students more comfortable with this kind of social interaction, online education may be an ideal alternative. Job OpportunitiesThe truth is that despite the growing credibility of online education, many employers still rank applicants with online degrees lower than those with traditional degrees. In other words, while an online degree will allow you apply for a job, it may put you lower in the "hire pile" than someone with a degree from a traditional school. The upshot is that if a job doesn't work out, or you wish to change your career (as many people do) it is much quicker and less expensive to do it through online education.In conclusion, when it comes to getting your education in a traditional classroom or getting it online, there is no clear-cut winner. Louboutin Overknee
Each has its strengths and each has its weaknesses. Each prospective student must weigh the options carefully based on personal preferences and professional goals. Just remember this: the choice between online and traditional is, ultimately, far less important than the choice to actually finish your college education - that's the decision that really matters.


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programs. Registry keys are something like folders in Windows interface and registry values are Windows system data stored within keys.Operating system registry contains five root directorys, each of them includes sub threads, displaying in the left part of Regedit with folder icon. If you ever installed any unreliable applications don’t be so sure in deleting its registry items together with the program automatically. Hereby, registry items belonging to the uninstalled application can remain in the registry. As time passes, your system registry turns into a something like waste-paper basket, which gathers everything from writing-table without dividing on useful and useless things. While you are working in system, operating system must create new registry items during an installation of new applications, change them in the work process and delete useless registry records in the case of valid removal of a program.Invalid registry entries can provoke some PC errors and become a reason of slowing down your PC. When your registry gets stuffed with a lot of invalid entries it slows down your Windows and may be a reason of problems in other valid installed software. Some matters in application running or interrupted work can call out serious computer matters. But sometimes Windows can’t enter some data accurately into operating system registry and some invalid files remain in operating system registry, taking a place and cluttering it up. Registry fix must become a constantly recurring procedure for careful user.As you Cheap Christian Louboutin Ankle Boots
should clean your waste-paper basket not to be headed up of unnecessary papers as you should clean up registry.

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Stone Inc. (NYSE:RST), a leading provider of technology-based language learning solutions, today announced financial results for the company’s fiscal second quarter ended June 30, 2009. Total revenue for the second quarter was $56.5 million, an increase of 18%, compared to $47.7 million in the prior year period. GAAP net loss for the second quarter was ($7.3) million, or ($0.42) per share, compared to GAAP net income of $3.4 million, or $0.20 per share, in the prior year period. Non-GAAP net income, which excludes stock-based compensation expense, amortization of intangibles and IPO related compensation expense, was $4.7 million, or $0.23 per share, as compared to non-GAAP net income of $4.1 million, or $0.24 per share, in the prior year period. A reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP results has been provided in the financial statement tables included in this press release. An explanation of these measures is also included below under the heading “Non-GAAP Financial Measures.” “We are very pleased with Rosetta Stone’s second quarter performance. Despite the on-going challenges in the global economic environment, customers continued to recognize the value of our language learning solutions,” said Tom Adams, president and chief executive officer. “We had solid execution across all lines of our business, which enabled the company to deliver better-than-expected revenue and adjusted EBITDA that was well above our expectations.” Adams added, “Rosetta Stone continues to extend its product leadership position in the language learning market. During the second quarter, we saw high interest levels and adoption rates of the Level 4 & 5 editions that we launched for English and Spanish.?In addition, earlier this week we announced the availability of Rosetta Stone? TOTALeTM, which enables Rosetta Stone users to practice speaking their new Christian Louboutin 2011 Shoes
language with native speakers in an online manner, on our integrated language learning platform. Just as Rosetta Stone’s flagship solution dramatically changed?the competitive landscape of the language learning solutions market years ago, we believe that Rosetta Stone TOTALeTM is equally disruptive and solidifies our market leadership position.” Other Second Quarter 2009 Financial Highlights Revenue Mix - Product revenue for the second quarter was $48.7 million, or 86% of total revenues, while subscription and service revenue was $7.8 million, representing the remaining 14% of total revenues. Consumer revenue was $42.9 million, or 76% of total revenues, while Institutional revenue was $13.6 million, representing the remaining 24% of total revenues. Average Sales Per Unit and Unit Volume – Average sales price per unit increased 26% on a year-over-year basis, from $286 to $361. This increase was the result of a shift in the sales mix towards multi-level bundled products and the discontinuation of lower end offerings. Bundled solutions represented approximately 60% of second quarter total unit volume, an increase of approximately 12 percentage points compared to the prior year. Total unit volume decreased 9% on a year-over-year basis, however, it increased by approximately 15% after adjusting for two items in 2008. First, during the second quarter of 2008, Barnes & Noble placed a $2.6 million initial stocking order to support the expansion of our product line to over 650 of their stores. Second, 2008 included unit sales related to our 3-month online subscription offering, which was discontinued in October 2008. GAAP and non-GAAP Operating Income - GAAP operating loss for the second quarter was ($11.7) million, compared to operating income of $6.8 million for the second quarter of Cheap Christian Louboutin Ankle Boots
2008. Non-GAAP operating income, which excludes stock-based compensation expense, amortization of intangibles, and IPO related compensation expense, was $8.2 million for the second quarter of 2009, or 15% of revenues.


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Statement by the Honourable James Moore

It is with great sadness that I learned of the death of Michael Langham. Mr. Langham Christian Louboutin Shoes
was a gifted theatre director who, over the course of his long career, worked with renowned theatre companies in England, the United States, and Canada. He influenced theatre throughout North America and England, directing well-reviewed productions on Broadway and at London's Old Vic Theatre and serving as director of the drama department at the Julliard School in New York. In this country, his legacy is significant. As the second artistic director of the Stratford Shakespeare Festival, he was responsible for developing it from a summer festival housed in a tent to a respected permanent theatre facility with a several-month-long season. In addition to shaping the Stratford Festival for eleven years, he helped found the Canada Council for the Arts and Canada's National Theatre School.On behalf of Prime Louboutin Pumps
Minister Stephen Harper and the Government of Canada, I offer my sincere condolences to the family and friends of Michael Langham. Contacts: Office of the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages Codie Taylor - Press Secretary 819-997-7788. Xpand announced it is partnering with 3D educational applications provider JTM Concepts to offer students across the globe interactive stereoscopic 3D lessons in eight different language packages. The lesson packages are available in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Latin Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese editions. "As the first company to develop a modular 3D lesson program in multiple languages, Xpand is at the forefront of educational technology and is literally changing the way students around the world see their school assignments," said Maria Costeira, CEO of Xpand. "Teaming up with JTM Concepts helps promote interactive, exciting and educational experiences that will keep students highly involved in their work."Multiple programs and lesson plans will be included in each language including, "Making Cubes," The Solar System" and "Composite Solids-Volume." Classroom3 promotes the enhancement of learning opportunities through 3D applications by Louboutin Overknee Boots
providing students visualizations of concepts normally seen as difficult to comprehend by the average student.